Supercomputer Applications: A Course in Computational Science
Spring 2006
Reading Assignment Questions 1, 3rd Quarter

NAME __________________________________, DATE: __________________________

In your own words complete the following questions

  1. Briefly describe the difference between serial and parallel computing.
  2. What types of hardware configuration can perform parallel computing?
  3. Browse the San Diego Supercomputing research projects.
    Briefly describe 3 of the projects
  4. Browse the National Center for Supercomputing research projects.
    Briefly describe 3 of the projects
  5. Two main motivations for bothering with parallel computing:
  6. Describe SISD, SIMD, MIMD - also see The Main Architectural Classes described at
  7. What about a MISD machine?
  8. Find which of these classes our Cray SV1 belongs to. The SV1 is categorize (somewhere) on each of these pages: Main Architectural Classes, SGI/SV1
  9. At the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC), U. Texas, what is the architectural difference between the Cray SV1 and IBM Power 4?
  10. See slides 10 and 11 From Wolff's slides on the SV1. Our Cray has 4 processor boards of 4 processors each, 16 processors total. Read the Remarks section on SV1 at Each processor board contains 4 processors (CPUs). What is the theoretical peak rate for each CPU? For each processor board?