LAB 03: Standard Deviation Lab - Fortran Version

  • Lab 03 Report form, .doc

    Learning Fortran 90 programming, Fortran 90 array processing. Topics include

    1. Compiling Fortran 90 programs
    2. keyboard I/O: read(*,*) and write(*,*)
    3. File creation, writing to files
    4. Arrays and loops
    5. Matrix multiplication, subroutines, random numbers

    Part 1

    1. Download this program to write random numbers to a file: randomnums.f90
    2. Run the program to create files of 50 or more random numbers
      -- Look at the contents of each of the number files to verify the programs worked.

    Part 2 - Static Arrays in Fortran 90
    printResults.f90 - shell file to print your results to a file