Software Testing Report Attachment Sheet 4B
Requirements and Specifications
3rd Quarter 2006

  1. Your name: __________________________________, Period: _____

  2. Date: ______________

  3. Project title: _______________________________

    Defining requirements and the specifications for verifying these requirements for your program

    Assignment: Three requirements and specifications for your project.

    A requirement is a condition needed by a user to solve a problem or achieve an objective.

    A specification is a document that specifies the requirements, design, behavior, or other characteristics of a system:

    The more focused (smaller) and concise your requirements are, the easier it is to define specifications.

  4. Requirement 1
    (a condition needed to solve a problem or achieve an objective. Be as specific as possible, don't describe your whole project with these few requirements. Describe small pieces of your project.)
  5. Specification 1
    - Specify how you can verify your Requirement 1. What design (code/algorithms) are you using for this requirement?
  6. Requirement 2

  7. Specification 2 (your design/code/algorithm/plan for requirement2; how you will verify achieving requirement2)
  8. Requirement 3

  9. Specification 3 (your design/code/algorithm/plan for requirement3; how you will verify achieving requirement3)