Software Testing Report Attachment Sheet 3B
Process Modeling and Statistical Analysis
3rd Quarter 2006

  1. Your name: __________________________________, Period: _____

  2. Date: ______________

  3. Project title: _______________________________


    Attempt to incorporate some kind of mathematical model(s) to validate and test your program.

    Mathematical modeling for verification and validation - find formulas that predict outputs and behaviors independently of running your program. When you run your program, does it behave in a way that is consistent with the predictions of the mathematical formulas? Investigate why your program may act differently from what is predicted by the theoretical math formula(s)

  4. The response variable, y.
        	"Process modeling is the concise description of the total variation in one
        	quantity, y. The response variable is a quantity that varies in a way that
    	we hope to be able to summarize via the modeling process.  Generally it 
    	is known that the variation of the response variable is systematically related 
    	to the values of one or more other variables.  Testing the existence and nature 
    	of this dependence is part of the modeling process itself."
  5. One or more other variables. What are these in your program; what can you vary in order to validate the response variable?
     	"The response variable is systematically related to the values of one or 
    	more other variables." 
  6. Functional testing - is there a mathematical function(s) you can test for validation of your program's performance?

  7. All of this means that you have figured out something specific that you are modeling with your program. At this point, what are you modeling? Having a specific model in mind helps you validate (test) your program for correctness.