Software Testing 1, 3rd Quarter 2006
- Also see the Testing Report worksheet to attach your results

  1. Software Testing - (a paper from CMU) Read through this paper to get an overview of software testing.

  2. "Testing is usually performed for the following purposes:

  3. "We cannot test quality directly, but we can test related factors to make quality visible. Quality has three sets of factors - functionality (exterior quality), engineering (interior quality),and adaptability (future quality)". See Table 1.


    At this point in your project development, describe tests and/or methods you've done in order to evaluate your project within each of these quality categories:

  4. Functionality (exterior quality) - from a user's point of view, how your program acts to the user
  5. Engineering (interior quality) - from the programmer's point of view, how reliable are the inner workings of your program
  6. Adaptability (future quality)- from the future programmer/user's point of view, what features of your program allow for ease in the maintainability and future redesigns, reconfigurings, and modifications of your program

    Another article on Software measurement if you'd like to read more. This is from EAGLES, a Natural Language Processing System