Prototype Grading Form

  1. Project title --> _______________________________

    Software: _______________________________________

  2. Your name --> __________________________________

  3. Date of this iteration report: ______________________, Quarter: _____, Iteration report # ______

  4. Group project? - if yes, list others in the group along with the responsibilities of each:

  5. Summary of goal/plan/code-design of your previous iteration report:
    What was the approximate date of your previous iteration report? ______, which quarter?

  6. Goal/plan/code-design of this current iteration report. Be as specific and detailed as possible

  7. Specific code that has been added since your previous iteration report. What is the
    specific time of this grading period that you have worked on this code. __________
    Description of code developed, links to the location of this code:

  8. Tests that you conducted on your previous iteration report:

  9. Tests that you ran on the code for this current iteration report.
    How do these current tests differ from your previous tests?
    What overall development has your project gone through since your last iteration report?

  10. Specifically list or describe users/testers of your project other than yourself?
    What kind of feedback, comments, evaluation have you received?

  11. Have you used UML or other design features in your project, any principles of software engineering.