OpenGL, Fall 2005
- Assignment: Variation of the Trajectory Program", Introduction to computer simulation graphics modeling
- To compile OpenGL programs:
- lgcc - if you want a.out and don't want to use .c (use chmod 755 Lgcc" to make this executable)
- Compile with "Lgcc progname" - no ".c"): Lgcc script (C)
(use "chmod 755 Lgcc" to make this executable)
- Lg++ script (C++)
(use "chmod 755 Lg++" to make this executable)
or lgcc - if you want a.out and don't want to use .c
- Other example starter programs
- graph.c Draws a basic parabola: y = -(x^2 - 100) uses arrow keys to move parabola, ESC to quit)
- graph2.c Draws a basic parabola: y = -(x^2 - 100) with animation and double buffering,
uses arrow keys to move parabola, ESC to quit)
- 2D simple animation: Animated parabola and squares
- 3D simple
animation + Adding a menu
- GL and GLU
- OpenGL Programming Guide
- OpenGL Reference Guide
of colours and RGB values
- Handy mathematics Facts for Graphics - includes an approximation of PI to 35 decimal points.
- Programs
from the OpenGL text