More MPI Parallel Programming Labs
(each can be substituted for one of the previous labs this quarter)
- addnums.c : Read a text file of numbers into an array. Find the sum of the numbers in the array in parallel. Also find the maximum value in the array, also in parallel.
- addnumsShell.c. This shell reads in the file
nums.txt into the array data.
- In this shell file, four processes are modeled (without using actual parallel programming), and the values in the data array are added in four sections, mimicking the behavior of a parallel program using four processors.
- Convert this file into the MPI parallel version using multiple processors.
- Sum: Find the sum of the values in the array, using parallel techniques.
- Max Value: Also find the maximum value in the array data using MPI and parallel processors.
- Track race: Send a value around a ring of n processors 1000, 100000, or more times. Vary the number of times around the "track", and time the results. Graph in Gnuplot. Also vary the datatype of the value you are sending around the track.
- structMPI.c - sending a "struct" of 3 floats, 1 int, and 1 six-element int array
- argo-mpi routines - source for the program above (see MPI_Address example program)