MPI Lab 16 Parallel Graphics 1
Mandelbrot Set in parallel

(this assignment is from the website Cluster computing)

Download the sequential program, mandelbrot.c which displays the Mandelbrot image using OpenGL and the Glut library. (If for some reason you'd like to see a version in Xwindows, here is mandelbrotX.c). Compile and run the program normally.

Rewrite the program to operate as an MPI program with multiple processes. Graphical output is to be produced using OpenGL Glut calls.

Instrument code with MPI_Wtime() or similar to determine time of execution.

As an alternative assignment, you may write any parallel MPI program that produces graphical output.


gcc mandelbrot.c -lm -L/usr/lib -lGLU -lGL -lglut -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lXext -lXi -lXmu

where -L/usr/X11R6/lib links the Xlib library and -lglut links to Glut.

It's easier to use this script, lgcc. Save this file to disk, then use chmod 755 lgcc to make this executable. To compile, use ./lgcc mandelbrot.c

Xlib versions (if you're interested):

Reference for Xlib: Xlib Programming Manual Volume 1, O'Reilly & Associates Inc., 1989

Xlib versions: Sequential Mandelbrot source program (black and white)

Sequential Mandelbrot source program (color)