What's due 2nd Quarter (2nd half of 2nd quarter)

  • Checkoff list (.doc)

    1. Mead notebook updated for 2nd quarter
      • Daily/weekly logs - written (or taped copy) into your Mead notebook
      • Time line for 2nd quarter
      • Periodic tests and analysis of your project - written (or taped copy) into your Mead notebook
      • HIGHLIGHT what is new for 2nd quarter

    2. January written verifications of progress and work
      • Weekly update forms handed in. A copy of these can also be put into your Mead notebook
      • 3 weekly update forms for January: Jan 2-6, Jan 9-13, Jan 16-20

    3. Project description for 2nd quarter (you should have 2 of these, one for Dec. and one for Jan.) - Prototype grading form (.doc)
      HIGHLIGHT what is new for 2nd quarter

    4. Project analysis for 2nd quarter (you should have 2 of these, one for Dec. and one for Jan.) - Testing/analysis form (.doc)
      HIGHLIGHT what is new for 2nd quarter

    5. Project research for 2nd quarter (you should have 4-6 total new references, 2-3 for Dec. and 2-3 for Jan.) - Reference report (.doc)
      HIGHLIGHT what is new for 2nd quarter

    6. Project presentation (poster) - Digital poster in pdf, 2nd quarter version (to be updated 3rd quarter)

    7. Project presentation (oral report and slides) - Slide presentation, 2nd quarter version (to be updated 3rd quarter)

    8. Project research paper - Updated research paper in LaTeX and pdf
      help on good technical writing (from Elements of Technical Writing by Blake and Bly)
      • HIGHLIGHT what you have written that is new for 2nd quarter
      • Submit the new version of your paper to
      • Title, your name
      • Abstract
      • Introduction/Background
      • Development (what you have done and are doing, tests, analysis)
      • Results, Conclusions (preliminary)
      • Visuals - charts, screenshots, graphs, UML diagrams
      • LaTeX and pdf