Comparative Languages Fall 2005-2006
Summing Program for "flat lists" and embedded lists
Try this in 3 Languages

  • Try this in 3 different styles of languages: Python/Ruby/Perl, Scheme/Lisp, Smalltalk, ML, C/Fortran/Java, Prolog

    Example code for counting the elements in "flat lists" and embedded lists

    1. Scheme (Lisp)
      ;; (count '((a b) (c (g g)) d)) --> returns 3
      ;; (totalcount '((a b) (c (g g)) d)) --> returns 6
      ;; The function totalcount goes inside embedded lists to count 
      ;; all the elements in all the lists.
      ;; The function count only counts the upper most elements.  Lists are counted
      ;; as separate elements.
      (define (count lis)
        (if (empty? lis)
            (+ 1 (count (cdr lis)))))
      (define (totalcount lis)
        (cond ((empty? lis) 0)
              ((not (list? lis)) 1)
              (else (+ (totalcount (car lis)) (totalcount (cdr lis))))))
      ;; (sum '(1 2 3)) --> returns 6
      ;; (embeddedsum '(1 2 3)) --> returns 6
      ;; (embeddedsum '((3 4) 5 ((4) 3) 1)) --> returns 20
      ;; (sum '((3 4) 5 ((4) 3) 1)) --> returns ERROR, this function can't add
      ;;     the list (3 4) to 5, it can't go inside the sublist.  Function 
      ;;     embeddedsum can go inside sublists to add all the elements.
      (define (sum lis)
      (define (embeddedsum lis)

    2. Squeak Smalltalk
      ! Object methodsFor: 'algorithms' !
      	"(FileStream oldFileNamed: '') fileIn.
      	#(a b c 2 3 4) count. returns 6"
      	self size = 0 ifTrue: [^0].
      	^1 + self allButFirst count.
      	"(FileStream oldFileNamed: '') fileIn.
      	#($a #(b c) #(2 #(3 4))) count returns 3.
      	#($a #(b c) #(2 #(3 4))) embeddedcount returns 6 ."
      	self isCollection ifTrue: [
      	        self size = 0 ifTrue:[^0].
      		^(self first) embeddedcount + (self allButFirst) embeddedcount].
      	"(FileStream oldFileNamed: '') fileIn.
      	#(6 5 3 2 3 4) sum. returns 23"
      	"(FileStream oldFileNamed: '') fileIn.
      	#(6 #(5 3) #(2 #(3 4))) sum returns ERROR.
      	#(6 #(5 3) #(2 #(3 4))) embeddedcount returns 23."

    3. Prolog (swiprolog)
      count([_|Rest], Answer) :- count(Rest, Temp), Answer is Temp + 1.
      embeddedcount([First|Rest], Answer) :- 
      	embeddedcount(First, Temp1), 
      	embeddedcount(Rest, Temp2),
      	Answer is Temp1 + Temp2.
      embeddedcount(X,1) :- X \= [], atomic(X).
      sum([First|Rest], Answer) :- sum(Rest, Temp), Answer is Temp + First.
      ?- embeddedcount([a,c,v],X).
      X = 3
      ?- embeddedcount([a,[c,v]],X).
      X = 3 
      ?- embeddedcount([a,[c,v],[[1,2],3],4],X).
      X = 7 
      ?- count([a,[c,v],[[1,2],3],4],X).
      X = 4 
      ?- sum([2,3,5,7,6,8],X).
      X = 31 
      ?- embeddedsum([2,3,5,7,6,8],X).
      X = 31 
      ?- embeddedsum([2,[3,5],[[7,6]],8],X).
      X = 31 

    4. ML (sml) (I don't have embedded versions here because of the issue of type consistency in ML.
      For example, in ML, int list list represents a list of integer lists only, not multi-level embedded lists.
      fun count(L:int list) : int =
      	if L = nil then 0
      	else 1 + count(tl(L));