Student Research Papers (Drafts) and Posters, 2005
Poster Images 2005
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sample grading parameters (from ECE 646, GMU)
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Example Research papers/information from various topic areas
- C. Bauer Archival of Articles via RSS and Datamining Performed on Stored Articles,
Poster (1st Period)
Research paper/source with information you used in your paper (add this to your paper):
- S. Ditmore Construction and Application of a Pentuim II Beowulf Cluster
(Poster) (1st Period)
Research paper/source with information you used in your paper (add this to your paper):
- M. Druker (1st Period)
Research paper/source with information you used in your paper (add this to your paper):
- M. Fifer A Study of Microevolution Using Agent Based Modeling,
Poster (need PDF) (1st Period)
Research paper/source with information you used in your paper (add this to your paper):
- A. Kim A Study of Balanced Search Trees: Brainstorming a New Search Tree (1st period),
Research paper/source with information you used in your paper (add this to your paper):
- J. Li Natural Language Processing: Using Machine Translation in the Creation of a German-English Translator (1st Period),
Poster (need PDF)
Research paper/source with information you used in your paper (add this to your paper):
- J. Livingston KDUAL Kernel Debugging User-Space API Library (proposal)
Research paper/source with information you used in your paper (add this to your paper):
- Jack McKay An Analysis of the Use of Sabermetric Statistics in Baseball (need PDF),
Poster(1st Period)
Research paper/source with information you used in your paper (add this to your paper):
- P. Nichols (1st Period)
Research paper/source with information you used in your paper (add this to your paper):
- R. Staubs Part-of-Speech Tagging with Limited Training Corpora (1st period),
Research paper/source with information you used in your paper (add this to your paper):
- Alex Volkovitsky Benchmarking of Cryptographic Algorithms, Poster?(1st Period)
Research paper/source with information you used in your paper (add this to your paper):
- C. Barrett
Implementation of a Decision Tree for Career Guidance, Poster (2nd Period)
Research paper/source with information you used in your paper (add this to your paper):
- A. Desoto Modeling Evacuation of Population Centers Using NetLogo (2nd period) - IEEE FORMAT DOUBLE COLUMN!!,
Research paper/source with information you used in your paper (add this to your paper):
- K. Diggs Optimizing Genetic Algorithms for use in Cyphers (2nd period)
Research paper/source with information you used in your paper (add this to your paper):
- J. Fitzsimmons Creating a 3D Game with Textures and Lighting,
Poster (2nd Period)
Research paper/source with information you used in your paper (add this to your paper):
- C. Goss Paintball Frenzy: Turn-based Graphical Game with an Optimized Minimax AI Agent, Poster (2nd Period)
Research paper/source with information you used in your paper (add this to your paper):
- S. Hilber Modeling a Simulation of Evolutionary Behavior (2nd period)
Research paper/source with information you used in your paper (add this to your paper):
- A. Li Techniques of Asymmetric File Encryption, Poster (2nd Period)
Research paper/source with information you used in your paper (add this to your paper):
- R. Miller Use of Machine Learning to Develop Artificial Intelligence for Playing Tic-Tac-Toe (2nd period),
(LaTeX code)
Research paper/source with information you used in your paper (add this to your paper):
- Kyle Moffett KDUAL Research
Research paper/source with information you used in your paper (add this to your paper):
- Jason Pan
Developing an AI for "Guess Who",
Poster need PDF
Research paper/source with information you used in your paper (add this to your paper):
- M. Pitsch Computational Models of Traffic Flow (2nd period),
Research paper/source with information you used in your paper (add this to your paper):
- T. WismerKernel Debugging User-space API Library (KDUAL),
Poster (2nd period)
- D. Wright Developing Algorithms for Computational Comparative Diachronic Historical Linguistics (2nd period),
Research paper/source with information you used in your paper (add this to your paper):
- R. Brady Experimentation on the Development of a Learning Agent Given Rules to a Game,
Poster (pdf)
Poster html poster (3rd Period)
Research paper/source with information you used in your paper (add this to your paper):
- B. Bredehoft Robot World: An Evolution Simulation, Poster (3rd period),
alternate poster
Research paper/source with information you used in your paper (add this to your paper):
- Michael Feinberg The Comparison of Various Artificial Intelligence Types of Various Strengths (need PDF),
Poster (need PDF) (3rd Period)
Research paper/source with information you used in your paper (add this to your paper):
- S. Hyndman Agent Modeling and Optimization of A Traffic Signal (3rd period),
Research paper/source with information you used in your paper (add this to your paper):
- Gregory Maslov
Research paper/source with information you used in your paper (add this to your paper):
- Eugene Mesh
Research paper/source with information you used in your paper (add this to your paper):
- T. Mildorf Assessment of Sorting Parts By Variable Slot Width,
(also see sample graphics) (3rd period),
Poster Form A,
Poster Form B
Research paper/source with information you used in your paper (add this to your paper):
- C. Russell Graphical Modeling of Atmospheric Change, Poster, (3rd period)
Research paper/source with information you used in your paper (add this to your paper):
- M. Thompson Investigation of Genetic Algorithms Using Audio Output,
Poster (3rd period)
Research paper/source with information you used in your paper (add this to your paper):
- Justin Winkler Space System Modeling: Saturnian Moons,
Poster (3rd Period)
Research paper/source with information you used in your paper (add this to your paper):