Fall/Spring 2004 - 2005
Notebook and Web Portfolio

  • Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    1. Project Title
    2. Your Name
    3. Abstract
    4. Project Proposal
    5. Web version of your Project Poster

  • Logs, Daily Routines, Iteration Progress Reports
    1. Weekly goals
    2. Daily logs discussing specific progress each day
    3. Iterative Project Development

  • Computer Code and Data Collection
    1. Dated archive of program versions with written analysis
    2. Tests, trial runs for each version with error analysis
      Ex. What's buggy, what algorithms need modification, what data structures can be optimized.
      Given inconsistent data, what modules of the program may be causing an error?

  • Reference Materials *** VERY IMPORTANT ***
    1. Research references (Approximately three - four reference sources each quarter)
      Journal articles, Texts or book resources, Internet resources
    2. Explanation of how these materials relate to your project
    3. Whether the techniques used in the paper or resource can be used in your project
    4. Copies of (or links to) essential articles and related materials

  • Formal Project Technical Paper
    1. Links to LaTeX, HTML, PDF, Postcript copies of the final paper.
    2. Hardcopy of final version turned in.

  • Miscellaneous/more Appendix material
    1. Code listings
    2. More detailed test results, code runs
    3. Suggestions from mentors or students
    4. Original ideas, mistakes to share, brainstorming, tutorials