Comparative Languages Spring 2005
- Assignments Spring 05
- Language examples
- GNU Smalltalk language reference (for Squeak, type "inisqueak")
- Prolog programs
- Language links
- Leif's Programming language page,
home page
Smalltalk material,
Smalltalk assignment (card game)
- UCSD, PINT, Course
- CIS400 Programming Languages, U Mich Dearborn
- Language evaluation project
- Calculator Language interpreter, use any language for implementation
- CRAPS functions, LISP syntax, use Pascal, C, or C++, imperative language, for implementation
- Abstract Data types implementation
- Rock,Scissors, Paper in Lisp and an imperative language, C/Pascal
- Smalltalk project, Factorial method, bank account
- Prolog project, declarative programming, birthdates etc of friends
- Lecture notes
- Textbook notes, Sebasta
- Compiler writing tutorial
- Programming Languages Guide
- Free compilers
- fortran,
Algol (1968-75),
Snobol (1964),
PL-1 (mid-60's),
Pascal (1968, 1975-90),
Ada (1980),
C (1972),
Smalltalk (1980),
Prolog (1975)
- CS 3304 VaTech
- GMU CS 363
- Compilers + Dragon book, Comp 663
- Syntax and Semantics of Programming Languages online text,
and the Course Programming Language Foundations