Version Date, 2004-2005

Interim Grading, 3rd Quarter, March 7

  • Research papers 2004-2005
  • Help with LaTeX
  • Intel Science Talent Search, Entry book + examples
  • Siemens Westinghouse Competition, resources, past winners

    1. March 7: Detailed description of your 3rd quarter progress:
    2. Research Paper additions for 3rd quarter
      • Write about the current status of your project
      • What kinds of tests have you been running?
      • How are you analyzing these tests?
      • How are you assessing your progress?
      • What research have you been doing?
      • What new references have you added to your bibliography?
    3. Poster: have you added text/diagrams to your poster?
    4. Your project's program.
      • New code you have written
      • Code you are developing
      • How are you testing your code?
    5. Daily/Weekly logs, detailed for 3rd quarter
    6. Iteration 1, 3rd quarter Plan (this was due in Feb.)
      • Design/Implementation details for your project
      • Tests you will run, kinds of analysis you will do.
      • What kind of visuals (graphs, charts, screenshots) can you generate for your paper and poster.
    7. Research search 1, 3rd quarter Feb 7, 2005
      • Identify a research paper or other source of content to use in your paper.
      • Here are more examples for information on your research
      • Put a dated reference of this paper/research in your folder.
    8. Intel contest and Siemens Westinghouse assignment 1 Feb 7, 2005
    9. SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT for Sys admins
      • Configure the new XP machine to print digital posters from our plotter
    10. 3rd Quarter overview of assignments