Starting a Web Page
Sample Starter
Suggested web page format for 1st quarter
Steps to take:
- Create a web-docs directory:
- Run the script: ~edanaher/mkweb-docs
- Go into this web-docs directory:
- cd web-docs
("change directory web-docs")
- Create a "techlab" directory inside of the web-docs directory:
- mkdir techlab
- Go into this techlab directory:
- cd techlab
- With an editor, write a file called index.html
- Sample index.html
- To save a "screen shot" of your project:
- Run the program called gimp (the first time, gimp will install itself)
- From the "File" menu, choose "Acquire", then "Screen shot".
- isolate the window of your project running, so there are no overlapping
windows on it.
- click the mouse on the window of your project. Wait a few seconds,
and gimp make a copy. Save the file as type "jpg". This will be the
image file that is loaded in Project1.html
- To view your webpage, use this this url:
- This should load your index.html file, which can then link to your project
- Sample student's format for your webpage.
(from Kelly Geoghegan, '03)
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