Programming Study
(Tutorial from Lawrence Livermore Labs)
Also see summary
of topics
- Briefly describe the difference between serial and parallel computing.
Comment on the number of processors in serial and parallel computing
and the general way problems would be solved using these processors.
- Parallel computing can be done with a single computer having _________________
or multiple computers that are ______________________.
Give an example of each. See product
list, Top500 list (click
on "Details"),
Top 5 presentation,
Trends, and
Big Mac at
Va. Tech
- SV1
slides from Ohio Supercomputer Center
- On the SV1, how many SSPs (processors) are on each module board? ____
- Describe how these SSPs would parallelize a loop from 1 to 20.
- Give two characteristics of the computational problems that are applicable to parallel computing.
- ______________________
- ______________________
- Parallel computing can simulate the natural world where complex events
can occur at the same time.
Give five examples of application areas for parallel computing.
- What are two reasons for using parallel computing?
- A common computer machine model is the von Neumann computer.
This computer architecture uses the stored-program concept.
The CPU executes a stored program that specifies a series
of _________________________ on the memory.
- In the von Neumann system, CPU stands for _________________________.
- The CPU gets instructions from the progam and/or data from memory,
decodes the instructions, and then performs them how?
- Flynn's taxonomy is a popular way to classify parallel computers.
Multi-processor computers the two independent dimensions of classifications
of Instruction and Data can each have one of only what two possible
_____________ and ______________.
- List the 4 combinations of the characteristics in the previous question in Flynn's taxonomy.
Use the acronyms and complete words.
1. _________________
2. _________________
3. _________________
4. _________________
- A serial, non-parallel, computer is an example of which type? ______
- In SISD, during one clock cycle, describe briefly what is meant by
single instruction and single data.
- SIMD is a type of parallel computer. Describe how a SIMD machine works in
terms of instructions and data.
- Using the given assembly code as an example, write a short program to load
data into two registers, A and B, and store the product of A and B into
register C.
- A SIMD machine is a type of what kind of computer? (serial or parallel?)
- A SIMD machine has multiple processing units. "Single Instruction" means
that all processing units execute the same instruction at any given clock
"Multiple data" means what (as concerns each processing unit)
- What type of problem application is given as a good one for SIMD?