Introduction to Supercomputer Applications
First Quarter 2003

Updated Assignments Sept. 11, 2003
  1. Student Portfolios Fall 2003
  2. Webpage portfolio, initial version. (Due 9/11/03) See: Starting a web page
  3. Practice Programming 1: tally.cpp
  4. Coding Practice problems -
    - go to "Training" and create a username and password
    "Your Ride is Here", "Greedy Gift Givers", "Broken Necklace",
    "Prime Palindrome" (due by Oct. 10, 2003
    Begin these by 9/11/03
    Link to ".txt" versions and descriptions of outputs and types of code algorithms you used.
  5. Trajectory Program - Introduction to Computer Graphics Modeling
    - see Computer Simulation and Modeling: "Project 1a-c Trajectory" (Trajectory 1a-c due by Oct. 17, 2003)
  6. MPI Labs 00-03 on parallel programming (MPI Labs 00,01,02 due by end of 1st quarter)
    - Introductory/sample parallel programmings (both PVM and MPI samples)
  7. Summary of 1st quarter Computer Simulations, Graphics, MPI
  • 2nd Quarter: Grading Details for 2nd Quarter 2003 and Grading Summary 2nd Quarter

    (For complete details and links, see assignments Part 1A, Part 1B, and
    more resources and links), and on to 2nd Quarter
  • Coming in the next quarter: "Design Your Own" Parallel Programming Application
    Example ideas:
    - CalculateFactorial (Erik Hansen),
    - ParallelMandelbrot/Julia,
    - SortArray (each process sorts part of the array),
    - SumArray (each process sums part of the array),
    - TrapezoidAreaUnderCurve (each process calculates a portion of the area)
    - Do you want processes in a "ring", "tree", or "root --> each process" topology?