Introduction to Supercomputer Applications
Summary of Grading 2nd Quarter Fall 2003
- Proj. 5, MPI
Program Lab03, IntervalSlicing.c - Calculate Pi, DUE Fri. Nov. 14, 2003
--parallelize the program "gregory.c"
- Proj. 6, Lab04 Divide
and Conquer with "Scatter" - collapsing integers
DUE Wed. Nov. 26, 2003
- Proj. 7, Lab05 Parallel
Mandelbrot - uses MPE graphics -
DUE Fri. Dec. 12, 2003
- Proj. 8a,b,c: Choose 3 programs -
DUE Mon. Dec. 21, 2003
- Proj. 9 Benchmark a program(s) on the Cray, Transformers, Elements
DUE Mon. Dec. 21, 2003
- Final Projects, Proj. 10, 11 Choose 2 labs -
DUE Wed. Jan. 28, 2003
These are more advanced computationally intensive programming applications,