Computer Systems Techlab
Project Requirements 2003-2004
First Quarter requirements,
also see Updated
Grade requirements for 1st quarter (Oct. 21)
- Student
Portfolios 2003-04
- Webpage portfolio, initial version. (Due 9/11/03) See:
a web page
- Title page including title, abstract, author (you)
- at this point these are "draft" versions
- inside "web-docs/techlab/index.html"
- Beginning links to the assignments for the quarter
- Link for Brainstorming Ideas (optional):
- Link1 - Project proposal (patterned after your project brief)
- link to preliminary version Due 9/11/03>
LaTeX, HTML, PDF versions (also Postscript if you want)
HAND IN A HARD COPY by 9/11/03
- Daily logs/Weekly goals for 1st Quarter - Started by 9/11/03
- Project Code, tests, analysis create the link(s) even if there is
nothing at this point. Link due 9/11/03
- Coding Practice problems -
- go to "Training" and create a username and password
"Your Ride is Here", "Greedy Gift Givers", "Broken Necklace",
"Prime Palindrome"
Begin these by week of 9/15/03
Grading by each quarter:
- First Quarter
- Second Quarter
- Third Quarter
- Fourth Quarter
- Good examples of papers from student projects, 2002-2003:
Immanuel Buder
Ryan Landoll
- Summary of Requirements for the entire school year 2003-2004:
- Research
Paper: 15-20 pages, 4000(or more) words
also see
what you need to complete and
summary of a research paper
Typed in LaTeX
, with an online version in PDF ("dvipdf file.dvi")
and optionally also HTML ("latex2html file.tex") versions
- 10 references - Use your Technical Reading for references and content
- Technical
Paper Reading Assignments - 2 papers each quarter
- Use a Scientific
Method in your research
- Appendices with CODE, Sample Tests, Runs, Screenshots
- Code, Testing, Analysis:
20 (or more) pages,
- Project
Proposal (1st quarter)
- Project
Description (from 3rd quarter)
- Project
- Oral
reports, presentations of project progress
- Daily
Logs, Weekly Goals, Iteration Reports, Gantt Charts
- Research: Scientific
- Tutorial(s)
for future students
- Suggested Web
Portfolio Final Format,
also see Starting a
- Permanent Archive of your portfolio (use "tar")
(So your work can be stored after your account may be DELETED next
year, Sorry!)
- Create an Archive of all the important elements of your project to save
- Use "tar"
- See Ten USEFUL
UNIX Commands (scroll down)
- Create a "username03" directory
- Put all your important work to save in here:
Research paper (all
formats), Screenshots, Code, Tutorials, etc. that you want to save
- "tar -cf username03.tar username03" - This "archives" everything in
the folder
- This archived folder can be saved in a permanent location
- Where will you be next year?
What college do expect to attend, what program?
Can you find any coursework that could apply to your project?