Computer Systems Lab
Cray Benchmarking Ideas 2003

    ***Please send me programs that are computationally intensive. (
    ***We are looking for programs to strain the diodes of our Cray SV1 supercomputer
    1. calculatePi.c, and calculatePiCray.c (Cray version - same as workstation)
    2. calPiMPI.c (Cray and workstation versions are the same)
    3. Description of PI Calculation using the arctan series.
    4. PI Benchmarking Results for the Cray and Workstations
    5. laplace-cache.c, laplace-cacheCray.c (Cray version - same as Workstation version)
    6. laplace-vector.c, laplace-vectorCray.c (Cray version - same as Workstation version)
    7. laplace-cache.f, laplace-cacheCray.f (Cray version - use "f90" to compile)
    8. laplace-vect.f, laplace-vectCray.f (Cray version - use "f90" to compile)
    9. Laplace Code (Scalar) in Fortran, Laplace "vectorized" version (optimized for Cray)
    10. Laplace Benchmarking Results for the Cray and Workstations
    11. Running programs on the Cray SV1
      - Compare the times of running programs on the Cray SV1 and on our regular computers
    12. Information on Vector Architectures
    13. Features of the SV1 at OSC (Jim Guiliani), HTML slides and
      Code performance analysis: Vector Loop, Laplace Equation Solver,
      Non-linear Wave Equation Solver
    14. Cray SV1 Architecture