SuperComputer Applications
Links for Teaching 2003

  • 4th Quarter MPI/Parallel Programming and High Performance Computing Assignments
    1. UNC Charlotte Parallel Programming Group
    2. Class Projects from CS 732, Spr 2002, Univ. Nevada, Reno (, CS 732-Theory of Parallel and Distributed Processing
    3. Two projects: Concurrent Wave Equation - Cornell Theory Center and
      Introduction to Vectorization - North Carolina Supercomputing Center
    4. Lecture on Parallel Programming, + good PDF slides on MPI (4 per page)
    5. CS 331 - Parallel Machines and Their Algorithms - Syllabus, Wellesley College
      • Thinking and Programming in Parallel - CS 331 Course Notes by P.Takis Metaxas. (Available in PDF: Contents - Introduction - Interconnection Networks - Theoretical Models - Algorithms
      • Introductory Lectures on Data-Parallel Computing CD-ROM (P.T.Metaxas, editor) This CD-ROM contains several of lectures on the material that we will cover in class. A copy of it is on reserve at the Science Library. Some of the lectures are available online.
      • Parallel Programming: An Introduction by Thomas Braunl. Online version of the Parallaxis-III manual is also available.
      • Introduction to Parallel Algorithms and Architectures by F. Thompson Leighton. A Classic.
      • Parallel Computation (book on CD-ROM) by Gloor, Makedon, Matthews, Johnson, Metaxas. Conference proceedings.
      • Parallel Image Processing by Thomas Braunl.
    6. Parallel Programming Assignments
      • Programming Assignment 1: MPI Ping-Pong (due 4/17), PDF file
      • Programming Assignment #2: Parallel Matrix-matrix multiplication, (due 4/29/03), PDF file.
      • Course home page,, ECE 3473: Parallel Architectures for High Performance Computing
    7. Nan's Parallel Computing Page
    8. Designing and Building Parallel Programs, by Ian Foster
    9. More MPI/Parallel Links
    10. Use the Cray SV1: Test out our Cray supercomputer,
    11. Using the TJ "Cluster": "Forking" processes on our Cluster
      Help for using the Cluster (the bank of computers in the Supercomputer room): Fork program samples:
    12. Learn to use "Ray tracing" techniques for graphics realism
      --Write a POV-Ray program
    13. Sample Programs
    14. Quantum Computing, Shor's Algorithm, and Parallelism