Computer Systems Lab
Collaboration and Distance Learning Ideas 2003
Introduction to Computer Simulation - Trajectory Project
Computer Simulation and Modeling: Project 1a-c Trajectory
- First, look over: An Introduction
to simulation
- Part A. Trajectory
basic program,
or Gypsy
Moth Simulation
Also look at "Project #1"
from Spring 2002 for good resources
- Your program needs at least the following features:
- __ Enter velocity and angle
- __ Show path of projectile
- __ Determine if the projectile hits the target
- __ Allow new input of velocity and angle to try again if a miss.
- Provide these links in your Project 1a website:
- __ Screenshot(s) of your program in action
- __ Description of the details of how your program works
- __ COMMENTED program code (Try to save the web version
file as "filename.txt").
- Part B. Elaborated trajectory program, see
Extensions to the Basic Model" (scroll down)
Summarize what special things you did for part B:
- Bouncing of walls
- Obstacles
- Gravitational attractor
- Wind effects
- Landscape
- Text output on the graphics screen
- Other Special effects, special displays
Provide these links to Project 1b website:
- __ Screenshot(s) of your program in action
- __ Detailed description of your program.
- __ List all the special features you've programmed
- __ Link to COMMENTED program code (Save the web version
file as "filename.txt").
- Part C. Computational trajectory program, see: "4.0
Expanding to a Supercomputer Application" (scroll down)
Plots all angles and velocities within a certain range
Link to Project 1c website:
- __ Screenshot of your program
- __ Description of special computation algorithms you may have used
- __ COMMENTED program code (.txt version)
- For other types of computational programs, see
Iteration, Bifurcation, and Chaos