words.txt - the word file for ladder.py programs.
wordsShort.txt - a shortened word file for testing and debugging.
sample output
- input a word, output whether or not the word is in the dictionary. If the word is in the dictionary, print the word's position (index) in the array of strings from the dictionary. THIS HAS ALREADY BEEN DONE FOR YOU, CHECK THE HANDOUTS
ladder01.py, sample output
- input start word, output a numbered list of neighbors for the input word. A valid neighbor is a word in the dictionary that differs by exactly one letter withe input word. Print "No such word." if the input word is not in the dictionary. Print "No Match" if there are no neighbors of a valid input word. Print "Goodbye" and stop if the user inputs "*quit*".
--- Use a "countdiff(a,b)" function that returns the number of characters by which strings a and b differ