Partner Online Quiz

                                    Name ________________________

1. Paste in the code below - it is from your text. Make sure it
2. Create another class called party. It will have fields of day, month
   time, type.
3. Create 4 more classes which will inherit from party and will be
   things like picnic, etc.  These will each have a slot for place
   which will have an initial assignment.
4. Create a *partylist* of instances (objects) which will have
   set the other slots at that time.
5. Create a set of methods for the friends.  Assume each type of friend
   will not be interested in each type of party.  That is the hacker-
   friend might only be invited to a picnic and not to a formal dance. 
6. Print out invitations to each person:
   Example:     Dear Fran,
                You are invited to a picnic
                at the park on Sept. 17
                See you there.
7. Print out the added code and a run  (remember script?)

(defclass friend()
    ((name :accessor friend-name :initarg :name))
(defclass entrepreneur-friend (friend)())
(defclass philosopher-friend (friend)())
(defclass hacker-friend (friend)())

(defclass article()
   ((title  :accessor article-title :initarg :title)
    (author :accessor article-author :initarg :author))
(defclass computer-article (article) ())
(defclass business-article (article) ())
(defclass political-article (article) ())
(defclass music-article (article)())

(setf articles (list
     (make-instance 'business-article           :title "Down")
     (make-instance 'computer-article         :title "Up")
     (make-instance 'political-article           :title "Impugned")
     (make-instance 'music-article              :title "Mozart")

(setf friends
     (make-instance 'hacker-friend  :name 'Dan)
     (make-instance 'hacker-friend  :name 'Stan)
     (make-instance 'entrepreneur-friend  :name 'Fran)
     (make-instance 'philosopher-friend  :name 'Nan)
(defun print-notification (arg1 arg2)
    (format t "~% tell ~a about \"~a.\""
              (friend-name arg2)
              (article-title arg1))

(defmethod process (( arg1 hacker-friend)
                   (articleclass computer-article))
   (print-notification articleclass arg1))

(defmethod process ((classfriend entrepreneur-friend)
                    (arg2 business-article))
    (print-notification arg2 classfriend))

(defmethod process ((classfriend philosopher-friend)  ;;; the second parameter
                    (articleclass article))           ;;; is generalized to the
    (print-notification articleclass classfriend))        ;;; the article class
                                                      ;;; not a sub-class.

(defmethod process ((classfriend friend)    ;;;a print nothing method so that
                    (articleclass article)) ;;;there is a default when nothing
)                                           ;;;matches

(dolist (el friends)
  (dolist (element articles)
     (process el element)