Rhododendron Seed Collected in the Wild
Near the Roan Highlands

by Don Hyatt

Rhododendron Seed Collected for the ARS Seed Exchange

The following pictures are of the plants from which seed was collected in the wild for the 2002 ARS Seed Exchange. Most of the rhododendrons were growing between 5000 and 6000 feet in elevation near the Appalachian Trail in the Roan Highlands along the Tennessee and North Carolina border.

The seed of Rhododendron calendulaceum was collected primarily off of the Appalachian Trail along the stretch beginning at Carver's Gap ascending to Round Bald, down to to Engine Gap and then out to Jane Bald. The seed of Rhododendron catawbiense was collected along a spur that begins at the Appalachian Trail near Jane Bald and extends out to Grassy Ridge Point at elevations over 6000 feet.

Calendulaceum from Carver's Gap to Round Bald and Engine Gap

Mixed Calendulaceum

Mixed Calendulaceum

Tall Yellow

Compact Yellow
Flower closeup

Orange Calendulaceum

Orange Calendulaceum

Orange-Red Calendulaceum

Orange-Red Calendulaceum
Not Pictured:
  • Light Lemon Yellow near Carver's Gap
  • Apricot Orange with Prostrate Plant Habit

Calendulaceum on Jane Bald

R. Calendualceum "Molten Lava"
(One of the Best Forms in the Region)

Orange with Gold Blotch
(Cover Picture on Fall 2001 "Azalean", ASA Journal)

Catawbiense at Grassy Ridge

Mixed Catawbiense

Excellent Lavender Pink Form
Large, Round Truss
Copyright © 2001 Donald W. Hyatt

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